Thursday, 22 August 2013

An Ideal Plan For Slimming

An Ideal Plan For Slimming 

Resolving to do it yourself may give you a strong commitment, it builds self-confidence. It shows that you can do it. All it takes is sound planning, good sense and persistence. Here is how to look good this summer and turn a short-term prize into a lasting life-style:

Set realistic goals. Many people believe in fantasy weight they dream of paring off 20 pounds in a month, or slimming down to the weight of a fashion model. You can reasons ably and safely expect to lose an average of a pound a week.

Consider your family background too. If both parents were obese, chances are four out of five that you will be obese. Does that mean you can not lose weight? “No!” but it will be more difficult. Striving for a weight you can feel comfortable with, not the ideal found in weight charts.

Avoid promises like I’ll never eat cookies again, which set you up for failure and guilt when you give in. Concentrate on the positive ways you will change. “I liked the way I looked, of course,” but the biggest thing was the feeling of success.

Go for the long term

Yo-yo dieting, up and down and up again is not only discouraging, it is dangerous when you are reducing. You take off both fat and muscle. But when you regain weight, you regain mostly fat. Each time you lose and regain the percentage of body fat increases. People who repeatedly lose weight and then regain it may run a higher risk of heart disease than if they had never lost weight in the first place.

For simply and sensibly

Protuberant stomachs, fat thighs and rolls of fat around the waist are the result of eating too many calories. Each of the three food groups fat, carbohydrate and protein will turn into body fat eaten in excess, but fat is stored more readily. Only seven percent of each fat gram is used up by the body in placing fat into storage, whereas about 25 percent is necessary to convert and store protein and carbohydrate. And one gram of fat contains nine calories, just over twice the calories of a gram of protein or carbohydrate.

Staying below 30 percent of your calories from fat, combined with exercise, can gradually take off weight. To calculate your fat limit in grams, multiply the number of calories in your diet by .3 and divide by nine. For a woman on a weight reduction plan of 1200 calories a day, for example, this works out to 40 grams of fat per day.

Start by eliminating snack foods and fast foods cooked in fat. Eat fish or skinless chicken for most meals, avoiding too much red meat. Use skim or low fat instead of whole milk. Cut out rich desserts. Stoke up on noodles (without rich sauces). If you are not sure how much fat your foods contain, start reading labels. For unlabeled foods, buy a paperback nutrition guide or one of the new nutrition programs for your home computer. Count calories if you like; for every 3500 that you would ordinarily eat but don’t, you’ll lose about a pound.

One executive found an easy way to cut calories: he gave up wine. It was not the wine itself; it was the nuts, chips and dip that accompanied it, but when he gave up the wine, the snacks didn’t tempt him.

You need not surrender your favorite foods completely. But eat salads or fruit for lunch.

You don’t have to start running marathons.

Regular, routine exercise will do. A brisk walk will burn off about six calories a minute. If you walk for half an hour every day, at the end of a year you will have burned off calories equal to about 20 pounds of fat.

Walking trim off the pounds just as effectively as jogging, studies show that a person who walks, say, four miles a day will lose about the same amount of weight as one who runs four miles. The most important thing is to engage in the activity that suits you.

There’s a bonus to exercise that is afterburner effect following regular aerobic exercise, such as walking or running, the body’s resting metabolic rate remains elevated for 20 to 30 minutes, burning off more energy than usual. With strength-training exercises, the resting metabolic rate is gradually increased over time, because such exercise builds muscle and muscles are the energy-burning engine of the body. The more muscle you have, the more energy required to fuel it.

Use mental conditioning

Often we consume food almost unconsciously, mindlessly gobbling as we watch television or net. Start your weight-control effort by recording every bite you eat, including how the food was prepared, where you ate, with whom, and your mood at the time. The listing may open your eyes to trouble spots. You may discover that you head for the cookie jar when you’re depressed or that you consume bigger meals when your sister comes to visit.

Establish new patterns to overcome these habits. Eat at one place, the dinner table. Use small plates to make portions seem bigger. Chew slowly and deliberately, and put utensils down between bites. Keep tempting foods out of sight, or don’t buy them at all substitute a brisk walk for cocktail time.

Keep at it

Because you face the food dragon several times a day, you’ll be tempted to backslide. Prepare yourself for those moments. Detour around the bakery on your way home. Plan what you will eat or drink at the office party.

And if you do give in to the scoop of ice cream, all is not lost. Many think of a diet as all or nothing. If they eat one cookie, they say to themselves, I have ruined my diet. I might as well finish them. Instead, close the cookie jar and resume your diet the next day. A single setback doesn’t mean overall failure.

Remember, there will be another beach season next summer. Don’t let your body return to flab when the hottest weather. Establish a maintenance program and follow it through the year. That way, not only will you be slim this season.

Daily milk allowance

  • 1pt (560ml skimmed milk or ½ pt (280ml) skimmed milk and 1 small pot of low-fat yoghurt.
Repeat the meal plan for three weeks (no longer) and lose up to 10lb!
Day 1 –
Breakfast – 2 Weetabix (with milk from your allowance) topped with 1 sliced banana.
Mid-morning – 1 small pot of low-fat yoghurt with 50g blueberries and 1 oatcake.
Lunch – 1 can of low-fat soup and 1 small roll.
Afternoon – salad sandwich: two thin slices of wholemeal bread with low-fat spread and salad.
Dinner – Pork loin chop and veg: Roast a pork chop with chunks of 2 large carrots, all sprayed with low-fat cooking oil. Serve with steamed broccoli.
Day 2 –
Breakfast – 2 thin slices of wholemeal toast: with a thin layer of low-fat spread and peanut butter.
Mid-morning – 3 Ryvitas spread thinly with low-fat soft cheese: 1 apple and 1 Satsuma.
Lunch – 2 quorn sausages: grilled with unlimited tomatoes and mushroom, plus an egg fried in a low-fat oil spray.
Afternoon – Small pre- made salad (under 200 cals)
Dinner – Salmon and salad: Grill a salmon fillet and serve with 100g chickpeas mixed into a salad
Day 3 –
Breakfast – 1 sachet of oat so simple (with allowance, or water if saving milk).
Mid-morning – 1 crumpet with low-fat spread. 1 apple and 1 small glass of orange juice.
Lunch – 2 Ryvitas with Philadelphia, a handful of grapes and 1 small carton fresh orange juice
Afternoon – 1 can low-fat soup with 2 oatcakes.
Dinner – Italian salad: mix 40g light mozzarella with sliced tomatoes, rocket lettuce and 2 slices of Parma ham. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar.
Day 4 –
Breakfast – Spinach omelette: Mix 1 egg with 3 egg whites and spinach and cook until set (using low-fat oil spray).
Mid-morning – 3 Ryvitas spread thinly with low-fat soft cheese with cherry tomato halved and a green side salad.
Lunch – Small box of sushi (under 250 cals) and 1 apple.
Afternoon – Fruit salad bowl (1 pear, 6 strawberries and 1 satsuma) with sugar-free jelly.
Dinner – 1 gammon steak served with 4 new potatoes and green beans.
Day 5 –
Breakfast – 40g no-added sugar muesli (with milk from your allowance, or water).
Mid-Morning – 1 thin slice of wholemeal toast with low-fat spread and Marmite. ½ glass of skimmed milk.
Lunch – 1 medium tortilla toasted and served in strips with 50g low-fat houmous and crudités. 1 pear.
Dinner – 1 medium jacket potato with 2 tbsp of baked beans and low-fat spread, served with a green salad.
Day 6 –
Breakfast – 2 scrambled eggs with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms
Mid-morning – 1 toasted crumpet with low-fat spread and 1 tsp jam. 1 pear.
Lunch – 1 can of low-fat soup with 1 wholemeal roll
Afternoon – chicken and pasta salad: break up 50g grilled chicken breast and combine with 2 tbsp cooked pasta, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and 3 tbsp chick peas.
Dinner – Prawn chilli with rice: Sauté some prawns, an onion and pepper, then add 1 small tin chopped tomatoes and kidney beans plus chilli powder to taste. Serve with 3 tbsp cooked brown rice.
 Day 7 –
Breakfast – Brekkie Shake: chop up 1 banana and blend with 1 pot of low-fat yoghurt, a splash of milk (from your allowance) and 1 tbsp oats.
Mid morning – Slice of toasted fruit loaf spread with low-fat spread.
Lunch – 2 can of sardines on toast.
Afternoon – 1 cup-a-soup with 1 crispbread and an apple.
Dinner – Tuna salad: Sweat 1 chopped leek and courgette with ½ small tin of tuna in water with 4 tbsp cooked pasta, 2 tbsp sweetcorn and a splash of tomato pasta sauce. Season to taste.


Look at nutrition first. There is not one that diet fits all. Everyone is as different on the inside as it is on the outside. Weight loss is going to depend on how our body reacts to the foods we put in, how our hormones are balanced, how well we’re digesting our food and how well we’re sleeping.
Everyone can benefit from eliminating sugar out of their diet and reducing the amount of starchy processed carbohydrates.

“The whole calorie theory is so flawed. People who are up-to-date in the health and fitness world no longer teach it. It’s old news. It doesn’t work. Calories in does not equal calories out. The calorie theory just doesn’t work.”

Breakfast is an important meal to be eaten fairly quickly after waking up in the morning. It changes the way our nervous system starts the day. it triggers certain chemical neurotransmitters that give us energy and the ability to think quickly, particularly with protein for breakfast. It improves cognitive functions, raises our metabolic rate and we use more energy and avoids muscle wastage since we haven’t eaten for the past 10 – 12 hours.
Quick fixes don’t work. Take responsibility for your health. if you want to change the way you are physically, then you need to show an interest in nutrition, and in cooking and preparing your own foods. There is no convenient quick-fix to nutrition.


Choose the most appropriate exercise to get the best results.  There are two different types of exercise that work for everyone.
1. Lift weights – Everyone who trains should lift weights. It’s by far the best way to get the body to release growth hormones, which is instrumental in the body to burn fat. but it has to be done the right way. some form of resistance training, and not resting for long periods between sets.
2. High intensity aerobic exercise – Swimming, running, or even on a cross-trainer. High intensity of short bursts of exercise with very controlled short rest intervals.
If you are new to exercise, get some coaching and training in first before starting either one of these. Have them show you how to do these correctly to not injure yourself and to start at a level you’re comfortable with.

We are only a few months away from summer, and despite all your best diet and exercise 

progress you might not feel ready to step out in your swimsuit.

In order to help you look and feel your best this summer, I’m sharing some slimming tips:

1. Eat at home 5 days per week: Do not eat out for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks (Monday 

through Friday). Not only will this benefit your calorie intake, it will also help your wallet! Even 

when a menu item might seem like a healthy option on paper, you don't know how it was 

prepared. Eating out also makes it harder to keep portion sizes in check.

2. Decrease your sugar intake: If you want to lose weight, you'll need to limit how much sugar 

you consume. Most people have no idea how much sugar they ingest per day. For example,did

you know that one cup of orange juice has 22 grams of sugar? Or that Starbucks' Venti 

Blended Caramel Frappuccino has 81 grams of sugar? Try cutting your sugar intake by half 

each day, and you'll notice decreased cravings for sugary treats and after a week or so, you 

should lose a pound or two.

3. Never eat out of a bag: You know those times when you are starving and you grab a bag of 

chips? Before you know it, the bag is empty!  Never let yourself eat out of the bag. 

Instead,take one serving (check the label on the bag to verify a serving size), and put it in a 

bowl. Then put that bag away! Eat your serving, and move on with your day!

4. Eat your vegetables: Make it a point to consume one-to-two vegetable servings with all 

meals! My favorite vegetables (and ones that can be consumed in unlimited quantities) 

include: kale, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower and spinach. Limit the intake of vegetables that 

are higher in carbohydrates (such as peas, carrots, potatoes, corn, and beets).

5. Be cautious with fruit: Fruits provide vitamins and fiber. However, due to the sugar content, it 

is a food you should consume in limited quantities each day. According to the 

USDA's, a woman between the ages of 31-50 should eat 1.5 cups of fruit per 

day. A man between the ages of 31-50 should have two cups of fruit per day. How much is one 

cup of fruit? Check out this chart.

6. Limit your alcohol consumption: If you must drink alcohol, I recommend one-to-two drinks per 

week at a maximum. Avoid all sugary, mixed party drinks! You should measure the quantity of 

your cocktail to one serving. So, one glass of wine is only five ounces. There are two reasons 

to limit the alcohol consumption. First, to decrease empty, non-fueling calories and second, to 

avoid senseless eating. Alcohol causes decreased inhibitions that often lead a "who cares" 

attitude for your weight loss goal.

7. No eating after 9 p.m.: Let's face it, healthy eating doesn't happen after 9 p.m. Not only will 

you sleep better if you avoid calories before bed, but you will also eliminate the mindless 

calories eaten when you are simply bored at night.

8. Weigh in weekly: Weigh yourself once a week so you can keep track of your weight 

loss. You should weigh in on the same day of the week and log it on paper or on a helpful 

tracking tool like MyPlate. A healthy amount of weight to lose per week is one-to-two pounds.

9. Exercise and cross train: I recommend you work out five-to-six times per week. Cross 

training is essential for these workouts. Try and do something different each day! The more you

 change your workout routine, the more you'll shock your body, and the more your body will 


10. Stay accountable: The moment you tell your friends and family about your weight loss goal, 

you are truly committing to your challenge. If you are hesitant to get accountable, you are likely 

not going to give a 100 percent effort in your quest to drop those pounds.

Put these 10 actions into play for the next 30-to-60 days, and you'll be ready for summer when 

June comes around.


Fast-acting slimming tips for accelerating your weight loss progress

People’s lives become happier the minute they decide to do something. For fast-acting slimming ways, you can consider the following.

1. Know what you’re trying to achieve and why. Lack of direction creates stress. And it’s lack of direction, not lack of time, that’s the problem when it comes to personal achievement in losing weight. Everyone has the same 24-hour days and 7-day weeks. Whenever you want to achieve something keep your conscious clear. Focus and make sure you know exactly what it is you want and why. No one can hit their target if they don’t know what their target is.

2. Do less by focusing exclusively on what’s important. The essence of personal productivity is to do the important things rather than the urgent things. In other words, put first things first. Focus on the essential and eliminate the rest.

3. Think progress, not perfection. Don’t worry about perfection; you’ll never achieve it. Instead, focus on the progress you've made and the progress you intend to make today. Progression is not automatic or inevitable. Every step of your success in weight loss requires sacrifice and work. Every step is part of an ever-improving, ever-ascending life path. Every step is an accomplishment that should be celebrated. You know you will never get to the absolute peak (perfection), but when you celebrate the journey this truth only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.

4. Cleanse your heart every night and keep positive. Just as your body needs regular washing because it gets dirty every day, so does your heart. Because every day, people hurt you, offend you, forget you, snub you, step on you, or reject you. But if you choose to forgive these people and let these things go at the end of each day, you cleanse your heart. You wake up the next morning refreshed and free of negativity. Refuse to carry old regrets, mindsets, and distractions into each new day.

5. Purge untrue thoughts. Behind every stressful feeling is an untrue thought. Before the thought you weren’t suffering, but after the thought you began to suffer. When you recognize that the thought isn’t true, once again there is no suffering. When you change your thoughts, you change your life.

6. Be kind to your body. A good workout is the best source of healthy body, and a fit, healthy body is the best fashion statement. The pursuit of optimal fitness is a journey, a constant struggle, a lifestyle. It’s a gradual process where intensity during each exercise session, what you eat every single day, and patience over years is what’s required. Remember sound mind is in sound body. Whether you are a little overweight, obese, or out of shape, staying in shape doesn’t mean taking a toll on your health. If you are interested in being in shape, you can seek some support from natural Super Slim Pomegranate without any side effects.

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