Thursday, 22 August 2013

Women Health Care Tips

Cellulite Treatment

The fat of the body which may be seen clearly is cellulite. It is the fat just below the skin and makes it look uneven, unattractive and clumsy shape. It is must and appears according to the age. The experts say that this a particular signal indicates that it is time to change the way of your lifestyle.

At the initial stage you can’t notice it. When you will press your skin with your palms and if you see pimples then you have cellulite on first stage which causes anxiety at the same time. Remember if you can see the cellulite without pressing your skin will be the third stage. Be careful; give a must attention to it.

You should not eat

What should be your calories in- taking/ day? It should be not more than 1200 kilocalories. The experts say that you take those products which have cellulose, like coarse bread and cereals. To slow down the process of making cellulite lessen the in taking of alcohol, taking fizzy drinks and those products which are rich in caffeine, so, take green tea and herbal tea.

You hear about the fennel tea and black radish?  These are wonderful. These both are useful in increasing the function of liver, which decrease in the depositing of toxins. The horse-tail also helps in growing thin. Also take make a combination with natural remedies and use the food regularly. It will help to minimize the fat deposition on skin and reduce your weight.

Take very nominal salt in your diet (only 6 grams of salt is enough/ for a day). Make a reduction in portions of sugar and sweets. Crush your cigarettes and put them in the dust bin. You should know the role of cigarettes, which is highly hazardous to health and eliminate Vitamin C, which helps in skin stretching and give strength to the tissues.

Add fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily menu. Say no to the fatty foods, fried meat, pies.

Don’t forget that fats come from lean meat, so try to minimize the in-taking. If you want to overcome the cellulite, use a simple remedy of taking at least 10 glasses of water/ day. One glass after an hour will be good for you.

Remedy with water

Water is a good remedy in eliminating the cellulite. Remember baths with anti- cellulite elements, like seaweeds, horse-tail, ivy and horse-chestnut. To take bath with essential oils will be better, such as rosemary oil. The essential oil increases the circulation of blood and the other useful oil is of geranium, which has a good toning effect. You know geranium? It is a plant with red, pink or white flowers and round leaves. The third effective oil is of juniper, it take part to lead of excess liquid from organism.

Here’s a formula for anti-cellulite bath. Take 5 drops of cinnamon oil in glass of light warm milk and stir it, then mix it up with hot water to bath. The duration of bath should be for 5 minutes only.  After that take contrast shower, it helps encouraging the blood circulation.

“Rub off” cellulite

Cellulite can be eliminated by rubbing your body. It increased the blood circulation and the smoothness of skin. Rub your legs with a soft sponge from foot and onward. Also massage your shoulders, breast, back and belly. Give more time to your problem areas. Rub them off with a tough brush for only 3 minutes. When rubbing come to an end, massage these areas with special attention.

Now it is the time for message of your body with a soft sponge. Rub your body from top to bottom. Begin from ankle-bones, and then massage hips to waist for at least 30 times. After that hold skin firmly with fingers and roll it. Repeat this exercise for 30 times on the effected area. When massaging your buttocks with a force, in circular motions. You may use any suitable oil or talcum powder for making the skin slippery.

Strong Message

If you are suffering from advance form of cellulite, then massage your effected areas with circular motions, but with not sponge at this time. Take an old stocking and massage strongly. Make a mask of fresh ivy leave. Put leaves at least for an hour in boiling water, and then make a paste with water. Apply this paste and leave for 30 minutes.


Surely Swimming is the best sport in the world, That helps to fight with nasty cellulite and bulky body. You may do this strong exercise at any time and at any place. Go to the seaside, to any river or swimming pool. It makes your hips smooth and body stronger.

If you have not any time for swimming, then buy a stationary cycle and do cycling for 20 minutes in a day. Skiing, skating and roller skates are useful and help reducing the fats from the body. Going up and downstairs and walking at a rapid pace are very useful.

The physical exercise, improve general state of organs and help our to “burn” cellulite. Special exercises for effected organs of the body, such as stretching exercises will help you in this matter. Many experts describe such exercises for women, do appropriate exercises for developing yourself.

Simple exercises

If you have less time, then do simple exercises at any time in the day. These are more efficient than the hard one. You may do them in any position sitting, standing or laying. There is not any special place for them, turn your muscles, in contract and relax gesture at bus stop, in travelling and in home, standing in front of a gas stove, making a conversation on telephone, sitting on a sofa, doing any exercise on a computer.  Even These simple and light exercises can be adopted in your office. You have nothing to do, but to train your muscles. Gather simply in stomach abruptly for few seconds and relax the muscles. Do this for several times in a day.

Butter milk for smooth skin

It is the custom of housewives to pour out the better milk, not knowing that it is the most valuable edible which provides you vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other matters to help organism to free from toxins.

Remember if you will take one glass of buttermilk daily, it will minimize the effects of cellulite gradually. If don’t like to drink buttermilk, then use it for anti- cellulite baths. Take 2 glasses of buttermilk, 6 drops of wheat oil and half glass of bran, mix all of them in warm water and then take a bath with it. This will make your skin soft, supple and elastic. The fantastic bath will shine your skin like silk.

Clay is also a remedy

Experts say that we can use clay as cellulite treatment, because it is useful for permeability of heat. It is the property of clay masks to improve blood circulation.

Go to sauna

If you want to become healthier, smooth skin and grow slim, it is advisable to join a sauna. You will find a special atmosphere there for getting remedy of cellulite. Cosmetic revival of skin takes place here. It develops healthier substances in organism and kills harmful ones and gains elasticity. Treat your problem areas with brooms actively. Effect of coniferous brooms against cellulite is really great. They act in two directions: essential oils penetrate into steamed out skin, and coniferous needles act like needles while acupuncture.


Trend High Shoes and Bunions

A bunion is no joke, when appears on your foot make you miserable. Don’t take it lightly because it is a medical condition which may lead to a horrible pain. You should be careful for them, because as the time passes away their condition became worse.

It appears on the foot of women in comparison to men. Mostly this condition runs in families. To deal with them is troublesome. It has a shape of an extra bone or bag-like appearance which is full of fluid; grow at the base of big toe. Now it you want to get rid of them, always purchase comfortable and easy shoes, for ladies there is a warning for them that if they are in a habit of wearing high heels, that may put a great deal of pressure on the MTP areas and cause corns, so they should also be avoided. It is an avoidable advice for them to prevent bunions by selecting not only actually fit shoes, but it will be better that they are somewhat a little loose. Be careful about the tips, it should be proper. I am sure that you might not have to embarrass with nasty and horrible bunions ever again.


Mostly it depends on your lifestyle. Now-a-days narrow-toed, high-heel shoes are in trend. The people who want to manage themselves with the latest fashions, they can lead to the emergence of a bunion, not only this, but the patients who have abnormal feet bones may have a bunion at any point in their life. It is not surprising that some people use comfortable shoes and give ease to their foot, but even they get bunion, they must be extra careful when they are going to purchase shoes.


When you feel a red, lifeless portion on the inside edge of the big toe, you take it as first symptom of the bunion. You may feel pain over the joints. Relax and think over it, what is the matter? It may be due to your tight shoes, the pressure from shoes may cause an additional pain on that spot. Be careful there is another symptom that you will see your toe is turning towards the other toes at the joint. It is advisable to visit a doctor for a proper treatment, because it may be the pain of arthritis. In which the joint give pain in old age and cause very much trouble.


When you see a bunion is appearing on your foot change the shoes, take soft, supple and loose shoes rather than tight one. There should be enough room for your toes to move inside the shoes. It is the first treatment, it may give you relief and you overcome your problem. That’s all, you are no need to run here and there and take any additional treatment. To buy foot pads is also a good treatment. The pads put a gap in between the big toe and the other one at those hours when you are in bed and sleeping deeply. Sometimes the bunion gives you extensive pain and any treatment didn’t suit you, then there is only cure for to let it operate. For surgery consult a surgeon. Remember it that the recovery of surgery takes time and some people can’t spare so much time.


It is not necessary to keep your foot in shoes, when you are at home, get rid of shoes and go to and fro in bare foot. This will give you cool and comfort. Whereas to control over bunion is very easy, take loose shoes and thick socks. The socks will cover the looseness. You should remember that if you notice any appearing bunion, take action, so it won’t get worse. The pointed toe and high heels are trendy, but in comparison to the fashion, your health is more important. So, choose your shoes wisely.


How To Save Your Skin From Sun

We are all touched by the sun’s rays. There are long days with extended hours in the sun, and it’s essential that we respect that with the beauty and benefits of the sun, there are also dangers. Less attention and money is spent on sun care products like sun block and sun screen, which are absolutely vital for people of all ages. This is a basic introduction to the effects of the sun on our skin and whether you tan for beauty or spend hours in the sun for work, sport or recreation, sun care is essential. Even if you avoid the sun and prefer a pale complexion, you could still be at risk for skin cancer.

Here we discuss why the sun can have harmful effects on your skin producing brown spots to causing wrinkles and how to protect yourself with a sunscreen or sun block for your type of skin.


Getting blistering sunburn significantly increases our risk of developing a skin cancer. Treating a sunburn quickly and with healing ingredients is important to help reduce the damage and to protect against, further damage listed below are a variety of pharmaceutical treatments, as well as an easy, home remedy box.

Healing sunburn

Aloe Vera is available in gel form or can be grown at home. One of the antioxidants, vitamin E can help heal sunburn damage and shorten its effects. It is available in cream, ointment and oil forms. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and increasing your intake while sunburned will help you heal. The tannins in cool black tea will help soon sunburn. Have a cool bath to which ½ a cup of baking soda, has been added. Calendula is one of the most healing plants and its ointments and creams can help soothe sunburn.

Definition of a mole

There is a simple rule to help determine whether a mole is benign or malignant. Tumor of cancer is usually asymmetrical or irregular in shape. A line through the middle would not create matching halves. Common moles are round and symmetrical. Tumor usually has uneven, irregular or blurred edges or borders. Common moles have smoother, more even borders. Common moles usually are a single shade of brown. Varied shades of brown, tan or black are often the first sign of tumor. As tumor progress, the colors red, white and blue may appear. Any mole that’s greater than 6mm in diameter should be evaluated. Moles this size or smaller are most likely to be benign. A mole that is changing or increasing in size is another warming.

Changing of a mole

The mole suddenly or continuously gets larger. Wide variety of colors combinations appear. Color might spread from the edge into the surrounding tissue. A mole that was flat or slightly elevated increases in height rapidly. The skin around a mole becomes red or develops colored swellings. A smooth mole develops oozing, ulceration or bleeding are signs of more advanced disease. Facing is the most common early symptom, and there may also be feelings of pain. However, skin cancer is usually painless.

If any of these changes occur, they should be checked immediately by a doctor. If you have signs of skin cancer if a mole area doesn’t look normal your doctor will cut it out and look at it under the microscope to see if it contains cancer. This is usually done in the doctor’s office. It is important that this biopsy is done correctly. Please select a physician who specializes in skin cancer and is trained to recognize a tumor at its earliest stage. You would first see a skin doctor, who might refer you to a dermatological surgeon or cancer specialist.


If any of the above risk factor is present commence yearly mole checks by family physician starting after puberty. There is also a handy device to use to determine the UV level of your area and conditions, as well as whether you sunscreen is still effective is the ultraviolet. This device is an inexpensive, credit card sized device that measures UV light.


Healthy Skin Dos and Dont's

The key to healthy skin lies beyond which soap you use. It depends on what you eat, whether you exercise, how much stress you're under and even the kind of environment in which you live and work.
All of these things affect how fast your skin ages, and thus how it will look, by influencing certain processes that lead to oxidation and inflammation. Sounds complicated, but it really is not.
Basically, complex chemical processes in your body produce unstable molecules called free radicals. Think of them as Skin Enemy No. 1. Left to their own devices, they go on to damage otherwise healthy cells in a process called oxidation. This is the same process that turns an apple brown or changes a copper roof from reddish gold to blue-green, so you can just imagine the way it can affect your skin. Sun, smoking, air pollution and poor diet all speed production of these free radicals.
Luckily, your body also produces antioxidants, molecules whose job it is to sweep up those free radicals before they can do any serious harm. How you take care of yourself—including what you eat—can increase production of these valuable molecules, literally saving your skin.
Nutrition and your skin
Women have been using foods as facial treatments for centuries, making masks of egg whites and olive oil, putting cucumbers over their eyes to reduce swelling. But did you know that the food you put in your mouth can affect the health of your skin more than anything you could put on your face?
Although studies find certain individual foods can help you maintain healthy skin, your overall diet—as well as your weight—matters most. For instance, if you're overweight and/or you eat a diet high in processed foods, including white bread, cookies, ice cream and packaged dinners, and low in fiber and fresh fruits and vegetables, you have a higher risk of developing a condition called insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.
In this condition, insulin, a hormone that "unlocks" the cell so glucose, or fuel, can get in, doesn't work very well. Thus, all this glucose builds up in your bloodstream instead of disappearing into cells where it's supposed to go. This, in turn, damages skin. How? By reacting with the protein fiber network (i.e., collagen and other proteins) that make skin resilient. This reaction creates harmful waste products called advanced glycosylation endproducts, or AGEs, those free radicals mentioned earlier. Fibers stiffen, skin loses it elasticity and you become more vulnerable to wrinkling, sagging and damage from ultraviolet (UV) light.
But eat a varied and nutritious diet, and it's amazing what can happen to your skin. In one study, researchers from Monash University in Australia found people who ate the most fruits, vegetables and fish had the least amount of wrinkles. However, the researchers found, diets high in saturated fat, including meat, butter and full-fat dairy, as well as soft drinks, cakes, pastries and potatoes (called "high-glycemic" foods), increased the likelihood of skin wrinkling. Coincidentally, these high-glycemic foods are also implicated in insulin resistance.

Your Eyelashes As You Age

Is it normal for my eyelashes to thin as I age?

Unfortunately, thinning eyelashes are part of the aging process. So, if your lashes don't seem to have the same length and fullness they once did, don't worry, in most cases, there's no reason for alarm. Still, you should share any concerns with your health care provider.

Eyelash growth has four stages: growth, resting, shedding and re-growth. Your lashes continuously cycle through these four stages. As we age, eyelash follicles (the openings in the skin through which the lash grows) can slow or stop producing new lashes altogether.

Aside from age, there are other reasons someone might not have enough lashes. These may include:
  • Scrubbing or rubbing eyelashes too hard, which can damage the skin and cause delicate eyelashes to fall out
  • Heredity
  • Medical conditions
  • Some medications and treatments
Talk with your health care provider about your concerns; he or she can help get to the root of the problem.

Is there anything I can do about it?

The good news is there are a number of options to help give the appearance of fuller, longer lashes. Many of them are temporary fixes, but they can help you feel better about your appearance. And let’s face it, aside from helping to protect our eyes from debris, wind and sunlight, long thick lashes have always been a sign of beauty.

Some of the possible options include:
  • Make-up. Many women turn to make-up, most commonly mascara, which comes in lash extending or thickening formulations. Be sure to replace your mascara every three months to avoid infection.
  • Over-the-counter cosmetic products and lash-boosting serums. These have vitamins and moisturizers to enhance lashes.
  • False eyelashes. Available as long strips to be placed on your eyelid or as single hairs, these are often affixed with glue to supplement existing lashes and can often cause trauma to the eyelashes that can result in even thinner lashes.
  • Speak with your dermatologist. If you’ve noticed that your eyelashes have thinned over time, talk to your dermatologist to see which treatments might be right for you.
  • Eyelash transplants. This surgical procedure actually transfers scalp follicles onto the eyelid, and is generally used in extreme cases. 
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Get Beautiful Glowing Skin

Ever noticed how whatever is going on in our life seems to show on our face? If we're stressed, we can expect acne and dark circles under our eyes. If we're dehydrated, our skin looks dry and flaky. If we're sick, our face appears pale. Eat or drink too much and we wake up with puffy skin. But get a stretch of feeling great, exercising, eating right, and we positively glow with health.
Well, there's a reason for that. Our skin is our body's largest organ-an average of 21 square feet, to be exact. Whatever goes on in the inside shows up on the outside.
Take smoking, for instance. Studies find that smoking prematurely ages skin by disrupting your body's natural process of breaking down old skin and replacing it with fresh skin. Smoking also triples your risk of squamous cell skin cancer (not to mention numerous other cancers).
Stress can also negatively affect your face (and the rest of the body). But the opposite is also true. What you eat and how you live your life can lead to smoother, healthier skin. Overall, your best bet for your skin is also what's best for overall health: a low-fat, high-fiber diet filled with fruits, vegetables and whole grains, plenty of water, regular exercise and enough sleep every night (not just on weekends). More specifically, here's what the science shows:


Think you know how to protect yourself and your family from the sun's damaging rays? Think again. Skin cancer (read more about skin cancer) is the most common type of cancer, probably making up more than half of all diagnosed cases of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). The good news is that about 90 percent of all skin cancers could be prevented by properly protecting yourself. Get your facts straight so you—and your family—can safely enjoy the great outdoors all year long.
4 big mistakes with big consequences:
Relying on sunscreen (or sunblock, or suntan lotion) for protection: Too many people think that using sunscreen will allow them to remain in the sun all day without burning. Experts agree: Using sunscreen isn't enough. In addition to using the right sunscreen properly, shade yourself with a beach umbrella and wear closely woven brimmed hats and clothing (preferably made from fabric treated for UV protection). Don't forget your eyes! Wearing wrap-around sunglasses with UV-screening lenses will help protect your precious peepers (read more on eye health).
During the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the UV light is strongest, try to avoid the sun altogether. Not watching the clock? The "shadow rule" can help: avoid the sun when your shadow is shorter than you are—that's when the sun is strongest.
Using the wrong sunscreen: According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, there are six main skin types, from very fair to black, and each has differing risks of enduring sun damage that can cause cancer.
Different skin types need sunscreens with varying SPF (sunburn protection factor) ratings. The American Academy of Dermatology advises, in general, choosing a sunscreen with at least SPF 15. Very fair people—who burn easily and often suffer bad sunburns—should choose higher SPF numbers such as 30 or 45. That doesn't mean, as some people think, that they can use SPF 45 and stay in the sun 45 times longer than without sunscreen coverage. It’s estimated that SPF 45 provides only 3 to 4 percent more protection than a SPF 15.
According to Dr. Taylor, the founder of, an online dermatological resource for women of Asian, African, Latin, Native American, Pacific and other native descents, skin pigment, or melanin, in the "average" African American gives protection equivalent to SPF 13, but that brown- and black-skinned people should still use sunscreen with as least SPF 15. Think of it this way: although it's not exactly additive, (SPF) 13 plus 15 equals 28, or close to (SPF) 30.
Using too little sunscreen: If you're lucky, you might find 8-ounce bottles of sunscreen, but many of the products sold today contain only 4 ounces or less. For adequate coverage, an "average"-sized adult needs to use one ounce of sunscreen (about the amount that fills your palm or a shot glass) each time they apply it. Larger people will need more. Sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours. If you're swimming or playing a sweaty sport, you need to apply it immediately after drying off.

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