Eating Plan For Seven Days
All the elements of this cutting edge eating plan on your daily checklist here is the plan.
♣ Eat nine serving of fruits and vegetables daily:
Sounds tough, but it is not, because a serving is usually only ½ cup of fruit or ¾ cup of juice. One large banana constitutes two servings of fruit. Add it to your morning cereal, have a glass of OJ, and you are one-third of the way there.
Study after study links diets highest in fruits and vegetables with less cancer. Heart disease, diabetes, and even osteoporosis
♣ Eat three to six whole grain foods every day:
People who eat diets rich in whole grains have less heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer than people eat the typical American diet of refined carbohydrates such as bread, bagels, crackers, and rolls made with white flour.
♣ Eat two or three calcium-rich foods daily:
This may be something you are already doing to prevent osteoporosis, but did you know it may also help protect you from colon cancer, high blood pressure. New research has discovered that drinking milk may also reduce your risk of breast cancer.
♣ Eat beans five more times a week:
Except for your morning wheat bran, no food is more fiber-rich than beans. Diets high in fiber are associated with less cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
Beans are high in soluble fiber, which can lower your cholesterol, and floated, which lowers levels of another heart disease risk factor.
♣ Eat nuts five times a week:
People who eat nuts regularly have less heart disease and other illnesses than people who do not. The heart-healthy monounsaturated fats they contain are also better for your joints than polyunsaturated fats.
♣ Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day:
Big water drinkers seem to get less colon and bladder cancers. Tea, black or green, is linked to lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.
♣ Your exercise plan:
Being unfit can put you at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and even early death.
♣ Cigarette smoking is hazardous:
In some cases, being fit can actually protect you even if you smoke, are, overweight, or have high cholesterol, glucose, or blood pressure levels.
Walking is probably the easiest way to start getting into shape. You do not need any special equipment and you can do it practically any where. Aim for just 10 minutes a day. Slowly work up to doing 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity such as walking, cycling, or swimming at least 5 day a week.
An unwarranted fear of elevated temperature-a common reaction-is called “fear phobia.” Few people realize that fever itself is rarely dangerous, and by treating aggressively with aspirin or acetaminophen they may actually slow recovery.
Here are six surprising facts about fever you should know to protect yourself and your family.
1. The body’s natural physiological rhythms prompt daily temperature fluctuations. Children tend to have slightly higher normal temperatures than adults and are more likely to run high fevers in response to infection. Elderly people tend to have lower body temperatures than younger adults.
2. When white blood cells recognize an intruder, they release proteins that travel to the hypothalamus and prompt it to raise the body’s thermostat. The body reacts to this by generating heat, often through shivering. Many immunological functions appear to be more efficient at a higher temperature and some bacteria and viruses do not as well at higher temperature. Recent studies show that when animals are exposed to bacteria but prevented from running a fever, many die of infections they might have survived.
While most people are probably better off not suppressing fevers that cause no discomfort, there are exceptions. Coronary patients and those with such chronic conditions as arthritis and diabetes should contact a physician immediately.
3. A non-responsive child with a temperature of 38.3 degree than a playful child with a temperature of 40 degrees, watch how the patient looks and acts, instead of relying only on the thermometer.
This is particularly important with newborns and the elderly, since their immune systems may not be fully functional and they often won’t run a fever even when very ill. Fortunately, nature gives other indicators of infection. A sick infant may stare and have grayish skin or cold limbs. In the frail elderly, look for lethargy and mood change
4. Find out if you have a fever caused by illness, wait until you’ve been quiet for an hour or so before using a thermometer. Rectal temperatures are the most accurate and recommended for young children; oral temperatures are preferred for older children and adults.
5. An infant three months or younger has a temperature of 37.88 degrees Celsius or more: a baby between three and six months has a fever of 38.3 degrees or greater; a child older than six months has a fever of 39.4 degrees.
For adults, call the doctor if: a fever is 39.4 degrees or more; a temperature of 38.3 degrees lasts more than three days-even there are no other apparent symptoms: a low-grade fever continues for several weeks. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
This is particularly important for elderly people, who have a greater risk of complication, such as stroke, when they are dehydrated.
6. It is wise to avoid heavy meals, but you should eat if you are hungry.
Children with a 40-degree temperature or higher may be more comfortable if their fever is lowered with a sponge bath.
Respected Experts On nutritions Recommends
Eating and drinking habits have been implicated in six of the ten leading causes of death heart disease cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes chronic liver disease as well in several potentially disabling disorders, such as osteoporosis. The experts were asked: if they could provide the perfect diet, what would it be? Here is what they advise:
Chronic low calcium intake is almost certainly connected to osteoporosis, severe bone loss that affects millions and accounts for at least 1.5 million fractures a year. Many of the people most vulnerable to osteoporosis, especially women, are getting far less calcium than they need.
Sugar Salt, Coffee and Alcohol:
These favorites have been implicated in a wide range of ills, but the experts say they do not deserve such a shady reputation.
Sugar has long been accused of causing diabetes, depression, obesity, hyperactivity and even criminal behavior.
Salt can pose problems for the millions of people blood pressure. There is no proof that drinking coffee increases the risk of heart disease. You probably do not need to skip coffee breaks.
Half of the surveyed experts believe there is strong evidence for the health benefits of moderate alcohol intake; virtually none recommends that people start drinking to reduce heart disease risk.
Weight in Perspective:
Extra pounds can increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes and other disorders. The expert’s points out that people who carry extra weight around the waist confront greater risks than those who bulge at the hips and thighs.
Plan Ahead:
Balance your diet over the course of a week. You need not, for example, deprive yourself of eggs for Sunday brunch if you plan no more high cholesterol meals for the week.
Do not keep a calculator by your plate. It is worthwhile to check food labels to keep a loose tally of the nutrients you are getting, but do not overdo it.
Lighten Up On Fat:
Most of the experts say that total fat intake should be 25% of calories or less, and some would aim for 20% or less.Saturated Fat:
The experts recommend restricting saturated fat found principally in meat, butter, cream and other animal products to seven percent of total calories. To accomplish that, people should eat only three ounce servings of red meat per week.Cholesterol:
The cholesterol from foods such as eggs and shrimp has less impact on heart disease than does saturated fat, which the liver turns into cholesterol in the blood, where it can clog the arteries and cause a heart attack. But the experts recommend limiting cholesterol to 300 milligrams a day, a little more than the amount in one egg yolk.Vitamins and Minerals:
The essentials iron deficiency can lead to anemia. The experts believe most people can enough iron through diet alone. Meat, poultry and fish provide iron and boost its absorption from sources like beans, grains and green leafy vegetables. However, supplements may be necessary for people with above average needs, such as women with excessive menstrual bleeding, or those who are pregnant or lactating.Chronic low calcium intake is almost certainly connected to osteoporosis, severe bone loss that affects millions and accounts for at least 1.5 million fractures a year. Many of the people most vulnerable to osteoporosis, especially women, are getting far less calcium than they need.
Sugar Salt, Coffee and Alcohol:
These favorites have been implicated in a wide range of ills, but the experts say they do not deserve such a shady reputation.
Sugar has long been accused of causing diabetes, depression, obesity, hyperactivity and even criminal behavior.
Salt can pose problems for the millions of people blood pressure. There is no proof that drinking coffee increases the risk of heart disease. You probably do not need to skip coffee breaks.
Half of the surveyed experts believe there is strong evidence for the health benefits of moderate alcohol intake; virtually none recommends that people start drinking to reduce heart disease risk.
Weight in Perspective:
Extra pounds can increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes and other disorders. The expert’s points out that people who carry extra weight around the waist confront greater risks than those who bulge at the hips and thighs.
Plan Ahead:
Balance your diet over the course of a week. You need not, for example, deprive yourself of eggs for Sunday brunch if you plan no more high cholesterol meals for the week.
Do not keep a calculator by your plate. It is worthwhile to check food labels to keep a loose tally of the nutrients you are getting, but do not overdo it.
Beware Of Junk Food
The dinner table, out children is increasingly calling the shots. Nearly, 50% refuse to eat the same meals as their parents, two third prefer snacks to proper meals, and food faddism is running riot, especially among young girls. Most school, and many parents, have simply given up the struggle, allowing children an unrestricted diet of convenience and junk foods. Hamburgers, crisps, soft drinks, sweets, and biscuits have been entrusted the task of building our children into healthy, fit, adults. It doesn’t need a dietician to work out they aren’t up to it.
It is confirmed that not all is well our children’s diets. As a result, a picture of what children are actually eating, and how adequate it is, must be collected from a handful of small-scale studies. Children control a massive share of the market in some foods: chocolate, pizzas, hamburgers, and chips. But when we reach the fruit counter, they fall silent: children spend a little on fruit.
The sweets, crisps and hot snacks are sold in 90% of schools. A quarter of children buy two or more packets of crisps a day, and a half buy two or more chocolate bars or packets of sweets.The number of children eating school dinners has fallen from nearly two thirds. One in ten leaves home without breakfast, and one in six does not have a hot meal in the evening. Schools are increasingly allowing soft drinks manufacturers such as Coca Cola and Pepsi to introduce vending machines, from which they get a share of the profits.
Patterns of eating established in childhood persist through life: inside a fat child there is a fat adult waiting to come out free. Equally, healthy habits established early usually stick. So making sure our children are eating the right things is very important. It is concluded that in terms of the total energy in the diet, there is nothing much to worry about. Surveys do show some slight shortfalls, but children are growing taller and heavier than ever, so it is hard to believe they are not taking on sufficient fuel.
More worrying are the minority who are overweight. Risks of dying, principally from heart disease or cancer, are doubled in adults who were in the top quarter for body mass index between the ages of 13 and 18. The number of obese children has doubled in the past ten years. Energy may be adequate, shortfalls in iron, calcium, folic acid and fiber. Iron is a problem for teenage girls, and anemia may even affect their schooling.
Studies show direct and measurable effects on academic performance when anemic children were given iron tablets for three months: nobody knows whether the same could be true here. A doctor is now examining whether anemic girls habitually do less exercise to compensate for the lower oxygen-carrying capacity of their blood. If so, it could have long-term consequences for their fitness and bone mass, with implications for osteoporosis much later in life.
What is needed is not a general program of iron supplements for all children most are adequately supplied but a simple way of identifying those who are not. Calcium is another problem, with many younger’s falling short of recommended levels. More milk could be the answer, but research suggests that activity is as important as calcium intake in determining bone mass.
Folic acid, which is found in dark green leafy vegetables and liver, is well below recommended levels in children of all ages, especially those from poorer homes. The greatest danger of a diet deficient in folic acid is in girls. Folic acid deficiency is linked to a higher incidence of some kinds of congenital defects in the babies they will later have.
A steady diet of crisps, coke, and beef burgers is certainly not to be recommended, but junk food is not all to blame. A major of re-education of children’s eating habits needs to be undertaken. A trust has to establish guidelines for school meals.
Here the evidence is less clear-cut. It is temping to think of them as idle so-and-sos crouched sluggishly over television screens or computer games, while nostalgically recalling our own vigorous childhood of football in the street, long bike ride and organized games at school, but the proof is lacking. How physical activity improves health in children is far from convincing. The most clear-cut benefit is psychological exercise reduces anxiety, stress and depression and enhances self-esteem.
Though they may be less active, there is no real evidence that today’s children are less fit. In children, curiously, fitness seems to have little to do with exercise and a lot to do with heredity. Fitness awards which are based on the best running performance might equally be offered to parents as their children.
In one study of 11 to 16 year olds, over a third of boys and half of girls did not experience a single ten-minute episode of at least moderate physical activity in a three day period. Girls are less active than boys, a gap which widens with age. Although it cannot be demonstrated that this is doing them any harm, common sense suggests it must be. If activity levels help determine bone mass, these inactive girls may be laying up for themselves serious problem in old age.
There are two simple guidelines; all younger’s should be physically active every day, as part of games, sports, work, transportation or recreation. And all should be involved in three or more sessions a week of activities lasting 20 minutes or more that require moderate to vigorous levels of exertion.
If your child fails to meet these guide-lines, maybe it’s time to do something about it.
Mulberry For All
Regular eating of mulberry in any form adds nutritional value to your body and improves health. A ripped mulberry is in dark purple color, give sweet and nice flavor. Mulberry found in subtropical regions is a deciduous plant with good nutritional value. Its plants are fast growing, when young, recommended in several traditional medical system. The nutritional value of mulberry is very rich in sugar, mainly glucose and fructose, protein with amino acid and fatty acids.
It also has malic acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. It can balance internal secretions and improves immunity. Doctors say that people suffering from body fluid deficiency could take it daily with water. It is useful for those persons who use their eyes enormously during work. Regular intake of mulberry improves the eyesight and vitamin in it helps in curing chronic diseases. It also enhances appetite and improves your digestive system. It is helpful in curing anemia, pallor, dizziness and insomnia.
If you are facing the problem of getting your hair gray, then you eat mulberry regularly. It may also be taken directly on head for growth of hair and blackness. It could be helpful in promoting the metabolism of alcohol. It also gives strength to your liver and kidney. Carrying innumerable properties, it helps in recuperating after long time sickness. In taking of mulberry after child birth is nice and effects good on women’s health. What about cholesterol? Mulberry keeps the level of cholesterol low in your body. It prevents the cancer of liver. Moreover it reduces the blood sugar level.
Mulberry trees have 150 species all over the world. A dozen of those species could be found in warm and moderate areas of Europe, Asia and Africa. Its tree is near about 20 meters high with a round rich top of tree and deeply cracked bark. This complex fruit is really a multiple fruit. 3 centimeter long similar to blackberry sweet in taste without the expressed aroma and acidity, having a wide range of colors from red, dark red, pink, white to purple and black, which depends on the species. The color does not related to the species since the white mulberry can produce white lavender.
Mulberry tree is planted along roads, in parks, in vineyards or in the backyards and lives up to 250 year, its plant get ripped-over after a long time which seems to grow all at once. The white mulberry belongs to central China and it became naturalized in Europe centuries ago. In America it was introduced for silkworm culture. Red mulberry belongs to United States. Its fruits are growing in Europe before Roman times. Having a lot of qualities it is a right fruit for you, so use it and enjoy it.
Healthy Eating - Healthy Living
As The Silver Line Creeps Higher , We Start To Panic
Healthy food is always good for us but how many times have we try to change our habits? Eating healthy didn’t means we have to turn our head from favorite foods; it means weighing and measuring of every in taking, before consuming it. A few changes in our lifestyle and eating habits will do well. Here are ten simple instructions to healthy eating:1. Natural raw food should make 80 percent of your diet. Natural and raw means anything that is not processed. Eating fruit and vegetables in their raw state is much better than cooking them. An apple is more beneficial than apple pie, for so much refined stuff has been added to the pie, like sugar and flour. Consuming whole fruit and vegetables fills you up faster because these are high in fiber, unlike most processed foods. The result is that you don’t feel hungry right afterwards, like you do after eating a processed diet.
2. Try to manage your diet with fatless meat, like chicken and fish and cut back the red meat totally. When you will add non-animal protein like seeds, chickpeas and beans to your weekly menu will positively affect your overall health.
3. Oils like olive, canola or soybean is healthy, so use them in your cooking. Stay away from partially hydrogenated oils like ghee and margarine. Butter may be consumed but in a minimum quantity. Margarine is no longer considered to be healthier substitute.
4. Drink only clear and refined water and green tea. Sugar or sugar alternatives as in calorie-free beverages and drinks are actually worse than their full-calorie counterparts. Juices considered very nutritious actually full of sugar and not a healthy option at all. Eat whole fruit instead if drinking juice and you will get all the nutritional benefit and taste.
5. Don’t go near to the fast foods as much as you can. They are not only deep fried (causing arteries to clog) but they are also highly processed, which means that all the nutrition has been taken out of them. Why you like would to eat something that has absolutely no nutritional value is fattening and empties your wallet.
6. Avoid all those things those have the label of ‘fat free’. Those are misguiding, as it might be fat free but not necessarily low in calories. Fat is what gives food its flavor, and when it has no sugar and other high-calorie alternatives are added to make it more palatable. Sugar is worse than fat. Low fat items are little better than completely fat free items.
7. Eat whole grain bread and brown rice, both being wholesome and rich in fiber, cut out white rice and white flour product from your daily Manu and you will far away from weight gain. After cutting out processed rice and flour from your diet you will feel will like a new person.
8. Eat five or six times a day, in little portions. Try to eat a little something every two to three hours. Eating every two to three hours doesn’t mean eating full meals but a nutritious snack Your body requires fuel for energy every couple of hours, and when we go too long without eating, we try to take anything we can get, which in most cases turns out to be junk food.
9. Small amount of dried fruits (not too many) chopped or vegetables with hummus, peanut butter with whole grain crackers with yogurt. All these snacks are good for you and will keep you fuller longer. Turn your head from crisps, chips and all kinds of crisp deep fried stuff which is full of fat and has zero nutritional value.
10. You cannot change your habits overnight so start a few and take it from there. Remember, you don’t completely need to give up all your favorites, just reduce their quantity and make a target more on the quality and nutritional value of the food you consume. When you shed those extra kilos and look healthier, you will not regret healthy eating.
Make Your Own Energy Drink
Most bottles and cans of energy drinks are nothing but sugar water plus lots of supplemental vitamins and minerals. The beverages are also loaded with herbal stimulants and caffeine. The safety of many of the herbal ingredients is questionable, and while caffeine may provide a temporary boost, it won’t give you energy (only calories can do that).
But here’s a homemade energy drink anyone can feel good about sipping.
The recipe uses cherry and lemon juice to provide natural sources of vitamins and minerals, coconut water for electrolytes, plus a small amount of caffeine from antioxidant-rich green tea.
Cherry Lemonade Energy Drink
Makes 20 fluid ounces
1 cup brewed unsweetened green tea
½ cup 100% cherry juice
½ cup flavored coconut water
½ cup seltzer water
1 teaspoon agave nectar
Juice of 1 lemon
Ice cubes
Lemon slices for garnish
Combine green tea, cherry juice, coconut water, seltzer, agave and lemon juice in a large glass or container. Stir well or shake and serve over ice; garnish with lemon slices.
Nutrition Info Per Serving (20 fluid ounces)
Serves: 1; Calories: 119; Total Fat: 1 gram; Saturated Fat: 0 grams; Total Carbohydrate: 29 grams ; Sugars: 24 grams; Protein: 1 gram; Sodium: 30 milligrams; Cholesterol: 0 milligrams ; Fiber: 0 gram
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